Villainous Vape: An E-cigarette Prevention Comic Book

What is Villainous Vape: An E-cigarette Prevention Comic Book?

The Villainous Vape is a research-based comic book designed in 2019 to teach young people about the dangers and risks of e-cigarettes, as well as the importance of education and support from friends and family. The story follows college students Dep and Kat as they begin to traverse the world of e-cigarette use. As Dep is influenced to begin using e-cigarettes, readers will see through engaging visuals and art the struggles he faces through dependence and the impact on his daily life. Support through friends and family help Dep make the decision to put down the vape and take back control of his life. Throughout the comic, readers are exposed to various e-cigarette facts and statistics from credible resources such as the CDC or Truth Initiative.

            By utilizing a more visual approach for youth education, such as a comic book, youth may be more likely to engage in their education, retain more information, and relate to characters in the story. As of July 2023, over 200 copies of The Villainous Vape have been shared to schools and students across the state of Kentucky.


Current Initiatives

Dissemination of The Villainous Vape is continuously being expanded and improved through feedback surveys and in-person focus groups.  Nearly 100 students across Kentucky have provided invaluable feedback on the comic book to help determine the primary audience and how to best reach their peers about e-cigarette education. Focus groups and feedback surveys will continue to provide helpful information through the 2023-2024 school year.


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