Youth Advisory Board
The mission of #iCANendthetrend is to deliver youth tobacco prevention education services to students, families and communities across the state of Kentucky.

The UK PREVENT Alliance supports health promotion through community engagement and research.

The UK PREVENT Alliance aims to improve the health of the Commonwealth using a community-engaged, evidence-informed prevention approach…


UK tobacco prevention initiative hosts open mic night to inspire change

A University of Kentucky initiative focused on tobacco prevention and cessation is inviting youth and adults to share their experiences via an open mic night at EPIC – An Annual Urban Art Hop Celebrating Community Voice. EPIC will take place from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21, at LexArts, in collaboration with Urban Art Hop and Project Ricochet...

New #IChampionHealth initiative targets improving health in Lexington

Through a University of Kentucky health-focused leadership program, youth and adults in Lexington’s east and west end communities have trained to become community health champions for the #IChampionHealth initiative...

Kentucky is out vaping the country

LEXINGTON, Ky. (FOX 56) — When it comes to vaping, Kentucky is unfortunately scoring high marks for both adults and teens, and experts are looking for ways to get off this list.

community partners

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